专家标签: 吴端培


Duanpei Wu is a Principal Engineer in architecture and software at Cisco Systems, Inc. He has been involved in telecommunications for 30+ years with a variety of working areas including large scale distributed conference infrastructures, cloud-enterprise media fusion, media streaming, media codec, and server/client development. Duanpei holds a Ph.D in Electric Engineering from Clemson University with research interests in Machine Learning and Speech Recognition. In his 20+ years at Cisco, he focused on distributed conferences, infrastructure and development, and has been granted over 30 notable patents. Currently, Duanpei leads a team working on WebRTC, server and client, for WebEx Web Client.

吴端培 LiveVideoStackCon2020北京



紧抓多媒体生态趋势,将浏览器、WebAssembly和Rust等热点结合;熟知播放器工作原理,为实现商业化H.264/H.265播放器打下坚实基础;课程包含图文、代码、视频,降低学习门槛; 李超精准讲解,及时详细解答

  • 2周
  • 4周
  • 16周